How Do I Know if I Have a Personal Injury Claim?

The best way to determine if you have a personal injury claim is by taking your case to an experienced lawyer. Your personal injury lawyer will be able to assess your injuries, look into the various ways your injuries have and will continue to impact your life, and determine if you have cause to file suit. However, there are certain things to consider prior to contacting a personal injury lawyer that can help you determine if you have a claim.

Aspects of Personal Injury Law
Most personal injury attorneys will not take cases regarding minor or inconsequential injuries. To qualify for compensation, your attorney will need to prove that your injuries will result in significant medical expenses along with an inability to work, an impacted quality of life, and physical and emotional pain and suffering.

This is not to say that your injuries are minor. Again, this is best left to the determination of an experienced personal injury lawyer. For example, a broken bone may seem inconsequential, when it actually has far reaching consequences. Deciding if a claim is worth pursuing is the initial job of your personal injury attorney.

Your attorney will listen carefully to the ways in which your injury has impacted your life. From there, the firm may choose to conduct an investigation to determine liability. Proving liability is essential in personal injury cases, particularly if you live in a comparative negligence state. In most states, you are entitled to recover damages based on what percentage of an accident you were responsible for. If it can be proven that the other party’s actions were largely responsible for your injuries, you will have a better chance of securing proper compensation.

If you live in or around Chicago, Illinois and would like to know if you have a personal injury claim, please visit the website of Harvey L. Walner & Associates, Ltd for more information on personal injury law and how our firm can help you get the compensation you deserve.